Social contribution activities and the SDGs

As a 100-year-old company that has refined its technologies in Amagasaki and has become a core part of the local community, we will achieve our corporate slogan of “Leading Eco-Technology ” in concrete ways.


The Monozukuri Skills Juku is Nihon Spindle Group’s own proprietary forum for learning about Monozukuri, or manufacturing.
The Monozukuri Skills Juku is Nihon Spindle Group’s own proprietary forum for learning about Monozukuri, or manufacturing.


As part of our promotion of diversity management, we have formulated a Plan for the Promotion of Women’s Active Participation in the Workplace and strive to help female employees flourish in the company. We are engaged in the development of workplaces in which our female employees will be able to work for a long time with peace of mind.


We take part in “Mission Uchimizu” organized by the City of Amagasaki.
To further expand the community who practice the time-honored Japanese tradition of uchimizu, or sprinkling of water to cool the ground, we conduct uchimizu in the plant premises.


As part of our educational system for junior employees, we conduct training for the company fire brigade and raise fire prevention awareness and skills within and outside the company.We have achieved outstanding results at the Amagasaki City Fire Prevention Society’s Firefighting Skills Competition.

  • In recognition of the outcomes of initiatives to achieve a better work-life balance, we were accredited as a “Hyogo Work-Life Balance Promoting Company.”
  • We received accreditation from the Hyogo Labour Bureau of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as a “Company that Supports Parenting” under the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children.
  • Ecovadis, a French organization that rates sustainability in supply chains, awarded us a bronze rating, which is awarded to the top 35% of companies rated.