Priority Issues

Nihon Spindle Group delivers three types of value to society by the functioning of our products and services in our customers’ processes.
Through responsible corporate activities, Nihon Spindle Group solves social issues and contributes to the achievement of the SDGs.

Priority Issues Priority Issues

■ Key CSR issues in Nihon Spindle Group

Key CSR issues in Nihon Spindle Group
  • In recognition of the outcomes of initiatives to achieve a better work-life balance, we were accredited as a “Hyogo Work-Life Balance Promoting Company.”
  • We received accreditation from the Hyogo Labour Bureau of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as a “Company that Supports Parenting” under the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children.
  • Ecovadis, a French organization that rates sustainability in supply chains, awarded us a bronze rating, which is awarded to the top 35% of companies rated.