Message from the President

The corporate mission of the Nihon Spindle Group is to earn high respect and confidence from all stakeholders and to contribute to the “enrichment of society.”

Our Group is involved in a diverse range of businesses and the products and services we offer are many and varied. However, the same philosophy and corporate mission are shared across the Group and, under our corporate slogan of “Leading Eco-Technology ,” we have defined the Group’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) as “the enhancement of social responsiveness,” and we are pursuing activities that are founded on the following two types of CSR.

  • - Value creation CSR: Contributing to solutions to social issues through business
  • - Fundamental CSR: Enhancing social responsiveness through safety, environment, compliance, and local community activities

We will continue to hold deep discussions with local communities and stakeholders about how we should enhance our social responsiveness for the Nihon Spindle Group to survive and flourish in an enduring manner, as we systematically continue to pursue these two kinds of CSR activities.

Nihon Spindle Group has refined its manufacturing technologies over the long span of a century. We ask for your continued guidance and support as we continue to take on the challenge of the “enrichment of society” through products and services that are acceptable to the world.

  • In recognition of the outcomes of initiatives to achieve a better work-life balance, we were accredited as a “Hyogo Work-Life Balance Promoting Company.”
  • We received accreditation from the Hyogo Labour Bureau of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as a “Company that Supports Parenting” under the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children.
  • Ecovadis, a French organization that rates sustainability in supply chains, awarded us a bronze rating, which is awarded to the top 35% of companies rated.