
Industrial Machinery

Dust Collectors

  • Exhaust Gas Processing System for Electric Furnace

    We offer various equipment such as Elbows, Heat chambers, Gas coolers and dust collectors for processing the exhaust gas from electric furnaces.

  • Large-sized Dust Collectors

    The product lineup includes dust collectors suitable for equipment such as ironworks, power plants, and refuse incineration plants generating a large amount of gas or high temperature gas.

  • Various Dust Collectors

    A range of dust collectors in accordance with various properties of both dust and generated gas are available.

  • > Coolant Cleaning Devices

    Devices for effectively eliminating sludge in various kinds of coolant including grinding fluid, liquid abrasive, cleaning liquid, and lubricating liquid.

  • After-Sales Service

    We perform services including daily cleaning and inspection, systematic parts repair, replacement of worn out parts etc., for maintaining functions.

Precision Air Controllers and Air Filters

  • Precision Air Controller Units (Thermal Cube)

    The unit allows precise control of temperature and humidity, thereby contributing to the realization of special air conditioning environments such as required for manufacturing electronic components, microfabrication, and measurement applications in various fields.

  • Thermostatic Booths

    Function requirements for a booth surrounding the target area will differ, depending on the internal equipment and the surrounding environment. We design, manufacture, and install booths that provide the “optimal space“ for the customer's specific application.

  • Dry Rooms and Dry Booths

    The manufacture and development of products such as lithium-ion and other batteries, capacitors, chemical materials etc. requires extremely low-moisture conditions impossible to achieve with general air conditioning. Our products can meet these demands.

  • Clean Room Systems

    In addition to our clean technologies developed over many years, we also use air-conditioning equipment developed in-house to provide a clean room system with constant temperature capability.

  • Clean Room Equipments

    We manufacture and market various types of peripheral equipment for clean rooms such as air showers.

  • Air Filters

    Our products use significantly improved filter materials with many years of research and a proven track record. Long service life and reduced environmental impact are some of their advantages.

Cooling Towers

  • NE/NL Series

    Our compact design and quite operation featured towers.

  • KG Series

    The standard lineup includes many different types,
    making it possible to realize both energy savings and space savings.

  • After-Sales Service

    Flexible after-sales services are available to ensure long service life of the cooling tower.